Saturday, January 30, 2010

answered 3.992 Louis J. Sheehan, Esquire

"What did you do?" Garvey shouted into the stall. "The parents need to know. Tell me what happened. They need to bury their child. Was it an accident? Let's talk about it."

The suspect answered by retching loudly. As he continued to vomit into the toilet, Garvey slid a photo of Michele Dorr under the stall door.

"What did you do?"

Hadden made what was later viewed as a partial confession.

"I don't know," he said between heaves. "I may have done something. Sometimes I black out and do things I don't remember."

They were close, inches away from an arrest. But Hadden seemed to get a second wind. He said he had worked that day and mentioned the 2:46 punch-in again. Garvey checked his notes again. Clark was crazy maybe, but you can't kill or kidnap someone, then dump or hide a body, and then get to work—which was nearly 10 miles away in that kind of time frame. Carl Dorr had given his daughter's killer the perfect alibi while at the same time, directing the suspicion to himself because of his behavior.

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